Mbedthis Software

Contributed Development

Development contributions are very welcome both from occasional contributors or from our core developers. This document describes the steps necessary to follow to contribute an enhancement or fix or port (a patch).

These rules are intended to streamline our process and to reduce the work entailed in receiving patches from developers. Please follow them because if the patch requires too much effort to make it comply, it probably will not be included.

To ensure that your patches can be utilized by everyone, when you submit a patch, you license your modifications under the Mbedthis Contributors Agreement. This is an approved Open Source MIT license that allows us to use your contribution in AppWeb under both the GPL and commercially license. You keep the copyright over your modifications, but everyone gets to use them. Your contributions are protected and will be made available in the open source releases if they are included in the commercial versions.

We cannot accept patches that are not licensed under the Contributors Agreement or an acceptable equivalent license. NOTE: we cannot accept patches under a GPL license as this prevents us providing them to some commercial customers.

If you are interested in contributing to the AppWeb community please express your interest in the Online Forum and read the steps to contribute below.

Steps to Contribute

  • Make sure your patch adheres to the coding guidelines
  • Create your patch using:
diff -Nrbu old new > patchFile
  • To be accepted, your email containing the patch must include the ALL the following items:

    1. Your full name
    2. The full version of AppWeb you are patching
    3. The purpose of the patch. Please fully describe the bug or enhancement.
    4. The LICENSE terms. Include the following words in your email:
These modifications are licensed to Mbedthis Software under 
the terms of the Mbedthis Contributors Agreement as
described at:

  • Mail your contribution to .

Mbedthis AppWeb is building a community of contributing developers to make AppWeb the industry's leading embedded web server. We already have individuals and corporations working to create key enhancements and ports for the core product.

Enhancements are desired in some several areas:

  • Fixes of all kinds
  • Porting to other operating systems
  • Documentation and samples
  • Scripting Modules (Perl, Python, Tcl)
  • Management Add-ons
  • Client-side graphic libraries
See the list of contributors who have already posted their work.

© Mbedthis Software LLC, 2003-2004. All rights reserved. Mbedthis is a trademark of Mbedthis Software LLC.
    Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.   Generated on July 15, 2004.